Bad spending practices may try to work their way around through elements of greenwashing – we are onto you! They may have supposedly climate friendly elements that are in dire need of improvement. You can do better…
The Italian draft recovery plan could support the production of hydrogen from fossil gas and its use in rail traffic. This would increase Italy’s fossil gas dependency and leave renewable energy [...]
Slovakian draft Recovery plan would allocate €3 billion for green, climate-friendly investment. But it can still do much better on energy efficiency, transport and participation.
While one third of primary energy consumption in Hungary takes place in residential buildings, EU-funded programs leave more than 95% of homes without any meaningful contribution to boost their [...]
While planning a just transition, Hungary needs to prevent the side-lining of local communities. Furthermore, the country might allocate a big share of its Just Transition and Modernization [...]
In Latvia, the current draft of the Recovery Plan presents a low level of ambition on energy efficiency, despite the urgent need to renovate the buildings stock.
The Spanish government plans to spend a substantial amount of Recovery funds on the development of ‘green hydrogen’. This however is still immature and much more expensive than solar or wind energy.